Monday, June 20, 2011

Ashley Hebert - Episode 5

Another episode in wonderful Thailand!  Tonight the guys took a short flight up to Chiang Mai, the largest and most culturally significant city in northern Thailand.

Her first date was with Ben F.
They jumped into a taxi and headed to a shopping market in central Chiang Mai.  They painted pretty umbrellas.  They shared a "mental kiss" by a Thai Temple.  Then enjoyed a romantic dinner in a candlelit flower patch.  Ashley enjoyed their time together so she gave him a rose!  She said that Ben just said everything that she wanted to hear. (which could also raise some red flags, but who knows?)

Then on the group date, love is worth FIGHTING for in Thailand!  Ashley takes Constantine, Ames, Nick, Blake, Lucas, Ryan P., J.P., and Mickey out for some Muay Tai training.  The guys are put through 3 brutal hours of training and are sweating like crazy.  Just when they think they are exhausted Ashley lets them know that they will be going to a public fighting ring to fight each other in combat.  Yay!  Way to go ABC.  You've managed to pick yet another terrible date idea for this season.  Each of the guys is paired up with another to fight out their frustrations, but Ryan P. took things a little too far when he gave Ames a CONCUSION!  Ames kept saying that he was ok, but Ashley could tell that something was wrong.  He had a very glazed over look on his face.  So, she pulled aside the ABC producers and they had Ames taken to the hospital.  It turned out he just had a mild concusion and was fine.  On the group date Blake was the one that won the rose!

The final date of the night was the dreaded two-on-one.  She takes two guys out.  There is one rose.  One stays, one goes!  She picked William and Ben C. for this one.

As soon as William gets some alone time with Ashley he lets her know that he's overheard Ben C. telling the guys how much he's looking forward to getting back into online dating when he gets home.  Yikes.  I think dating on multiple continents beats online dating, but to each their own.  Instead of pulling Ben aside and talking to him about it she just tells him he's going home.  Poor Ben.  Now go home.

William is estatic that he has Ashley all to himself now.  They enjoy an elephant ride and dinner before Ashley decides that she's not feeling it with William either.  He's sent home before dessert is even served.  I would've insisted on taking it to go.

At the final rose ceremony the mood is tense as the guys anxiously await to see if they are awarded a rose (and a bigger slice of Ashley's heart).  In the end, she dropkicked Nick. 

Next Monday they head to Hong Kong, China!  We'll also see the return of Bentley.  Can't wait for that!

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