Monday, June 13, 2011

Ashley Hebert - Episode 4

Tonight's episode took place in beautiful Thailand!
The guys were super excited to go and leave the L.A. mansion forever!

Ashley's first date in Thailand was with Constantine.
They were supposed to go out on a boat to a private beach, but Mother Nature had other plans for them.  Their boatman said the water was too rough to go out on the boat and that they would have to make other plans.  So, Ashley took Constantine into town and they enjoyed a shopping trip through the streets of Phuket.  By the end of the date, Ashley was impressed with how Constantine carried himself and so she gave him a rose!

This episodes group date consisted of: Mickey, Ben F., Lucas, Ryan P., West, J.P., Blake, Ben C., Nick, & William.

They had a really cool group date.  They got to visit an orphange in Thailand that had children in it that were misplaced by the tsunami that hit back in 2004.  They fixed the place up, painted it, and set-up some new beds for them.  All of the guys really enjoyed it and some were forever changed.  Tensions ran high on the date as some of the guys are starting to get really competitive and jealous of how much time Ashley is spending with other guys.  Guys are so dramatic!

The final one-on-one date went to Ames.
The first thing they did on their date was go out on a boat to tour all the small islands of Thailand.  It is beautiful there!  Then they set out in a small kayak and explored some caves together.  Such a romantic setting for a first date.  After the kayaking adventure they sat down to an intimate dinner where Ashley and Ames enjoyed deep, interesting conversation.  Ashley loved getting to know him more and was pleasantly surprised by some of the things she learned about Ames.  So, he got a rose!

During the cocktail party, before the rose ceremony, Ashley wanted to ask the guys the tough questions.  She wanted to make sure that there wasn't another Bentley hiding out in her remaining group of guys.  One big topic of the night was Ryan P.
Apparently, the guys have a problem with his happy-go-lucky demeanor.  They feel that he's happy ALL the time and just has too much energy.  I think he ruffled a few feathers during the group date, too because he's a natural delegator.

In the end, Ashley only sent one guy packing and it was West!
Next week's episode looks like another must watch!  We just may see more of our dear Bentley from Salt Lake City.  Don't quote me on that.  That's just my assumption!

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